as March kicked off, all I really wanted was some warm weather. nope. you see this isn't Tennessee anymore. this is COLORADO.
good luck with that, ME. yeah, so I guess March is the snowiest month here which I think is triple times crazy considering that it is the third-to-last-month in the school year because the last month is May. (lol "spoiler alert"). excuse that run on sentence. and SPRING starts this month.
tell me you get why I'm annoyed. March, make up your mind.
so as summer gets closer & closer & closer & closer & closer----------every day, I keep dreaming up what I get to do everyday of the summer. like craft and photograph. too soon? well I see your thinking, "yo! whatever your name is over there man up and just do what you want to do
now." jokes on you.
I'm living in a hotel. it kinda sucks. excuse my language,
stinks. literally. well, sometimes. so basically my life has been Youtube, Instagram, a little bit o' Pinterest, and...yeah. but it's not living on the edge of glory. I still have school (duh). luckily we have standardized tests for ANOTHER week, so I'm enjoying computer hours NOT doing homework. (yeah cause sixth graders really have hours of writing papers. not. that's why I'm enjoying life right now.)
goodbye lovlies, and don't worry about me.
I'm living the dream. ;)